Bad news if you are tired of Buffett song references- the album-recording project has ground to a near halt under the weight of FotoFink snapping & editing, so it is likely that the posts will have a Parrothead flair for the near future. It could be worse- be grateful that I don't own more Bow Wow Wow records.
There are two ways to wrap Fins up with Monday's match-
First, volleyball has entered the final stretch of the regular season, and it is a bit of a lull for Royals fans. While it is never safe to take any match for granted, the big games and tournaments are behind us now. Playoffs are looming, but still some days/weeks away. Much like a senior in creative writing class, the team is on cruise control right now, in preparation for what's ahead.
This makes for kind of an ominous feeling, like knowing that the sharks are in the water, but not quite nipping at your feet yet. Just wait. The playoff feeding frenzy is coming.
Second, did anyone else notice the pre-game cheer before the third game? Cudos to our boys for incorporating the name of the visiting team's line judge in their rallying cry. Fins to the left, fins to the right, and you're the only bait in town. Too bad Delaware Valley is so far away (3 days on a boat?). Such a great icebreaker wasted.
Thanks go out to those of you who noticed the return of a Fotofink legend. I hope he has a sense of humor...
Speaking of which, Meredith pointed out that to date, I had no pictures of her in which she is smiling. Problem solved. We need to work on Erica next.
Today's entry in the "What in the world is Zurek doing?" category.
A note to PJ- This might help until things even out a bit.
Too nice of a day to be blogging so here's the beef-
Delaware Valley match shots
FotoFink's ever expanding body of work
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