Thursday, April 30, 2009
Blue Skies & Ultraviolet Rays
In theory, the weather improves as the girl's soccer season goes on. This is just a theory, as we have seen some cruel reversals of the trend in years past. Remember this game? Or the floods before this one? This time, however, the theory held up as the Coughlin/HR rematch got underway on one of the nicest days of the season thus far. Complaints abounded about the heat, which just goes to show that you really can't please everyone.
This battle was almost a mirror image of the first matchup. This time, Coughlin jumped out to an early lead, HR pressed to comeback and force overtime. Unlike the last game, the first overtime period determined the winner, as the Royals pulled out a much-needed victory. Both teams have apparently locked up playoff spots, so fans of either team can look forward to an extended season.
Too much real job has delayed these shots long enough, so I'll be brief here-
Look carefully at this shot of Allie- that is blood on her face, legs and jersey. This was a great game.
My favorite pictures tell a story all by themselves. Here are 2 similar, but reversed tales.
Amanda, (who always wears pink) identified herself from some indoor shots this past winter. Now she's appearing more and more. It's that easy to get on FF.
Not yet.
If you picked up on the lyric in the title to this post, then you may also appreciate this-
Pale invaders and tanned crusaders
Worshipping the sun.....
If you are missing all of those references, congratulations on having some sort of life.
Sadly, this may be the end of girl's soccer for the season at FF. Our staff is headed to the remote southern headquarters next week, and may or may not be back for the playoff matches. This will, of course, depend on how deep either team goes- so good luck all around!
Gallery of shots from the game is here. Lots of UCPs, leave some comments so they can become ICPs. (no, that has nothing to do with this nonsense.)
Here's the whole site.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Bad news if you are tired of Buffett song references- the album-recording project has ground to a near halt under the weight of FotoFink snapping & editing, so it is likely that the posts will have a Parrothead flair for the near future. It could be worse- be grateful that I don't own more Bow Wow Wow records.
There are two ways to wrap Fins up with Monday's match-
First, volleyball has entered the final stretch of the regular season, and it is a bit of a lull for Royals fans. While it is never safe to take any match for granted, the big games and tournaments are behind us now. Playoffs are looming, but still some days/weeks away. Much like a senior in creative writing class, the team is on cruise control right now, in preparation for what's ahead.
This makes for kind of an ominous feeling, like knowing that the sharks are in the water, but not quite nipping at your feet yet. Just wait. The playoff feeding frenzy is coming.
Second, did anyone else notice the pre-game cheer before the third game? Cudos to our boys for incorporating the name of the visiting team's line judge in their rallying cry. Fins to the left, fins to the right, and you're the only bait in town. Too bad Delaware Valley is so far away (3 days on a boat?). Such a great icebreaker wasted.
Thanks go out to those of you who noticed the return of a Fotofink legend. I hope he has a sense of humor...
Speaking of which, Meredith pointed out that to date, I had no pictures of her in which she is smiling. Problem solved. We need to work on Erica next.
Today's entry in the "What in the world is Zurek doing?" category.
A note to PJ- This might help until things even out a bit.
Too nice of a day to be blogging so here's the beef-
Delaware Valley match shots
FotoFink's ever expanding body of work
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday's plans changed several times before finally coming together in Berwick. Usually, Wednesday nights are filled with "real job" obligations, but last weekend brought an invitation to a concert at the Kirby- "Clear your schedule for Wednesday night, We are going to see Peter, Paul & Mary!" Puff the Magic Dragon fans will realize right away that the concert was not Wednesday, but rather Thursday- Manana. (I need to make one of these things ~ over the n, but i can't figure out how to do it on this blogging program. Use your imagination.) So a schedule that first had client visits in Whitehall and Bethlehem, then had a concert with 3 aging hippies, suddenly was empty- Good news for volleyball fans young and old, as our staff headed towards the sun setting in the sky to Berwick for the day's festivities.
In recent years, Berwick has had a decent squad- most importantly, they were improving every year. Considering that, maybe this game was a bit of a fluke, as the Royals downed Berwick in three straight (five straight, counting JV action). Credit HR for a strong showing, on the court and in the stands as well.
Some thoughts-
There are quite a few Berwick players pictured in the gallery- 2 reasons- First, how many pictures do we really need of our guys? If you haven't found one you like yet, you probably won't. Second- I had the pleasure of sitting in front of some Berwick moms in the second and third games. They made some jokes about breasts and the power plant that kept me chuckling through the games, so they ended up with a business card & some shots of their players. It's that easy.
It's official. The Holy Redeemer Royals boys are chanters. R.I.P. Dignity.
A note to Berwickians- You live next to the power plant. Turn your lights up! Photos will come out better.
Getting late here on the East coast. Time for bed.
HR vs Berwick gallery is here.
Lots more photos here.
Taking a break for a few days- See you next week!
The Good Fight
Saturday found our staff (and all of our friends) in Martz Hall, Pottsville, PA for the annual volleyball tournament- or "Martz Madness" as the T-shirts proclaimed. (It's great how all things in life can be summarized on a T-shirt). Years past have shown us that this tournament provides a few things- a great photo environment (second only to the main gym at PSU, IMHO), an extensive concession stand (The Halushki was reportedly sub-par, so I postponed my first experience), and a well-paced day of volleyball games.
There is an interesting rivalry brewing this year- between your Royals and Wyoming Valley West. Every matchup has been interesting- At the WVW tournament, HR pulled out a victory in a close game to take first place. In regular season play, WVW handed HR one of only 2 losses thus far (no pictures from that one, as FF was incommunicado). The stage was set in Pottsville for another battle- both teams were in the same pool. After playing to a 1-1 split in pool play, it seemed only fitting that the championship game was again- Valley West vs Redeemer.
By now it's old news- HR wins in 2 straight, winning the tournament and tilting the season record in our favor over the Spartans. Lost in that summary is the drama that unfolded- the Royals had to come from behind to win the first game in extra points, then held off a late surge from WVW (started with a referee's whistle- more on that later) to win the second- again in a remarkably close game.
I know that referee-bashing is seemingly the norm here, and that is not my nature. But on this particular occasion....
In the last three or four points of a close, well-played game, with the championship on the line- how do you award a point to either team over a player taking too long to serve? I was perched right behind the ref, within ten feet as it worked out, and I didn't hear the whistle he claimed to have blown. Poor application of the rules, by any standard. Spoiled the good fight.
So now the stretch run begins, hopefully leading to a district playoff berth. If history is any indication, we may still see Valley West again. Or North Pocono. With more on the line. Don't miss it!
Of note-
400+ pictures from the day! Lots to page through. I made an important discovery on that topic- The fastest way to page through smugmug seems to be this- make sure you are viewing the gallery in the "smugmug view" (view options are on the upper right part of the page when you are viewing) then hold down the alt key while using the arrows to toggle through. Seems much faster than clicking next 400 times.
I had lunch next to these two, and I figured them to be brother & sister. Not so sure after this scene.
I am not sure what this is. As you know, I am no fan of chanting, and this seems dangerously close to that. At least it's original.
Another plus to this tournament- Steve stays dressed.
Looking at Brian, it's hard to believe, but the game is not won yet.
What to you think got into Mike Z in this shot?
Off to work.
Gallery is here.
Site is here.
Berwick tonight.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ran Into a Chum
I saw this weekend coming for quite a while. Coughlin/Holy Redeemer Girls Soccer has been a rivalry for quite a while, plus a few of the Coughlin girls have reached out to become "Friends of FotoFink" over the last season. When the first match was rescheduled to this past Friday, I was pretty sure I could make time to be there for it. The Pottsville Volleyball tournament followed on Saturday, which is another big day for pictures (There will be another post on that). As I've said in this town many times before (If you've picked up on that reference, you need help. Seriously.) taking the pictures is actually the easy part- It's the editing and posting that takes most of the time. In short- I'd be busy. If you've noticed, I have been pretty diligent about posting pictures quickly, and I was pretty well caught up before the two events. Then....
In Jimmy Buffett's drunk, Carribean, Rock & Roll world, he "Ran into a chum, With a bottle of rum, And we wound up drinking all night" Now that I am a "Pirate looking at 40" (from the wrong side) my world is "Ran into some friends, Went out for wings, dinner & a few beers afterwards, home by 11 but too pooped to edit" Once I get a little behind, it's a slippery slope.
Here, finally though, are the photos from the girl's game. HR took an early lead, then Coughlin suffered a red-card ejection to bring the team down to 10 girls. As happens so often in soccer though, the undermanned squad rallied, and Coughlin was able to score the equalizer. Two overtime periods did not change the score, which ended in a 1-1 draw.
Some items of note-
Sometimes the camera catches some great hair moments. Like here. Or here. It seems like there should be a "separated at birth" from Rachel's picture, but I am a bit stymied. Leave a comment if you have any thoughts.
I have been picking on the local paper lately, and to be fair, they probably rely on the info that the coaches provide for this stuff anyway. Page down to the HR/Coughlin summary on this page. Christina Flaherty is a good goalie, especially considering the 5 saves she made from another state. We'll give Alexa Kalaft the credit she deserve on this site.
Still. Stay tuned.
Amanda's "Snarly face of the day"
I love this picture. Generally, there needs to be a player's face in the shot to make it worth posting, but Lexie's body language speaks volumes.
Overheard on the sideline- "She's usually on the other end of those fouls"
This girl (I think) was asking about the pictures and where they would be published/posted. I hope she finds us, as she is in quite a few.
Real job stuff to do today. Here's the scoop-
Game (That link will take you to the entire gallery of shots from Friday.)
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Lady Royals got their second, and possibly final chance at the Dallas squad on Thursday, with the result ending up the same as the first match- A close, 1-0 victory for Dallas. HR had some good chances, but never managed to get on the board for the entire 80 minutes. While this loss probably eliminated any dim hope that HR had of first place, we saw last year that there are more important considerations. Now does not seem to be the time to be placing blame, but rather the team should consider the positive side of this- They played a good team to a close match. Now is the time to come together, look ahead to finish strong and make a good playoff run. Why do I feel like one of these two as I read that?
Our staff was going to pass on this one, as the real job took us to the outer reaches of Mongolia that afternoon. But the day was too nice, and the coin toss gods cut us a break- Our late arrival forced us to miss part (most) of the first half, but the sun was better positioned for HR pics after the flip at halftime anyway. No rush to leave either, so there are plenty of JV shots as well.
JV, by the way- 3-1 victory. Is the future bright?
Some observations-
I am not too picky about this stuff, but based on this headline, who do you think won the game?
Less hugging for Hope at this one. I am sure we'll see more- It's a hard habit to break.
I am not sure if what it looks like is about to happen here actually did, but I liked this shot.
Another game where I did not see anyone dribble past Alyssa. I know that as a sweeper, you are usually the second defender, which gives you a pretty good shot at most balls. Still- this is an amazing run. Not that I want it to end, mind you, but I am going to keep an eye on this for a while.
Amanda thinks that she makes funny faces in most of my pictures. I think that the "airplane thing" that she does with her arms is even funnier. It's actually an effective way to shield the opponent off the ball, but I won't let that fact get in the way of a witty comment.
I look at this picture, and I can't help but think of this movie quote- "Just snake a tube down her nose, and I'll be there in four or five hours" Leave a comment to name that movie for some special FotoFink recognition.
If you read the title to this post and said "Aha! He finally ran out of song titles!" then I won't pop your bubble. On the other hand, if you picked up on the reference, come chat with me about the stories we could tell.
Defying Gravity
Busy times here at FF HQ this week- Soccer on Tuesday, Vball on Wednesday, Soccer on Thursday, Vball or Soccer on Friday, then finally Vball on Saturday- Whew! Our staff has done an admirable job of editing and posting pics, but these blog entries are running about a day behind. Like the parking lot attendant in Seinfield, "We ask that you bear with us in this difficult time."
Wednesday's Vball action saw an undefeated Hazleton squad come to visit your recently recovering Royals. Anticipation was high for this game, but HR made quick work of the Cougars, sweeping the match in three straight games. The question still hangs though- has Redeemer turned a corner? Or was Hazleton's record a result of a lesser schedule? Time will tell, with Crestwood and the Pottsville tournament later this week.
It's late, I am tired, and Mrs FF just reminded me that it is trash night, so there are a few less links than usual- Here's all I can come up with in this frame of mind-
First off, the picture at the end of that last link is a reference to trash, not Mrs. FF.
I am having relatively little problem using song titles as blog titles. Bob looks to be defying gravity in the lead pic, JB has his own interpretation here.
Separated at birth lives! Something about volleyball seems to bring out the best look-alikes. Once again, I cannot take credit for this idea, but I will pat myself on the back for the execution.
Overheard in the stands- "I guess the Kablicks found a 2-for-1 deal on haircuts this week" Again- not my idea, I am just the messenger on this one.
Game Pics
All Pics
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season
Alright, alright- Hurricane may be an exaggeration, but let's face it- Our girls are out there in some pretty marginal weather. Tuesday was no exception, as the Lady Royals squared off against the Crestwood Comets for the second time this season, this time in a cold rain. The earlier match was a closely fought battle, with your Royals emerging with a narrow victory. This one was shaping up in a similar fashion, with both teams exchanging early goals on restarts, then HR creeping out to a 2-1 halftime advantage. The second half was a different story, with Redeemer opening up what would end up as a 6-1 lead over visiting Crestwood.
After a couple of disappointing outings, this was a much needed victory for the Lady Royals. Sources report that this cements a hold on a playoff spot, for now anyway. Assuming a similar second half to the season, it seems like the two Coughlin games could make a big difference in seeding- so there is plenty of excitement left!
As always, a few observations-
Apparently, Hope is a hugger. For 2 seasons now. Gotta love the emotion.
I have been watching Alyssa Mocion play for at least two seasons, plus some indoor. I don't think I have ever seen another player dribble past her. I have to assume that it has happened- but I won't believe it until I see it.
Earlier in the year, I promised Christina some more photos, in a game where we needed her. Promise kept.
Emily playing midfield was new for me. Not that my opinion matters, but I liked it.
A rough day for Jessica. In this shot, it looks like she is about to head the ball- what you can't really tell is that number 16's elbow is going to hit her in the face at about the same time. Minutes later, she was robbed of a goal after a defender handled a ball heading into the net. I am sure she will bounce right back for the next game regardless.
More fun is ahead, I am sure. Round 2 with Dallas on Thursday, then, "Mr. Fink, It's Coughlin" on Friday.
Oh yeah- with regard to the title, I am sure you will all be happy when I get through the Buffett albums. Don't hold your breath- I was a Parrothead long before it was hip to be one.
Gallery is here.
Site is here.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes
A double meaning to the title of this post- First off, our staff (except for Robert) has headed to the remote southern headquarters for some family time around the Easter holiday. Secondly, Wednesday's game against Nanticoke (Apparently pronounced Nan-tee-coke, as I noticed from the cheap seats) started out with some line-up changes, and seemed to translate to a more confident attitude. Your Royals came from behind to take game 1, then went on to complete the sweep of the hosting Trojans. Considering the importance of momentum in this sport, let's hope that this swing sets the tone for the remainder of the season.
I will use the family vacation, along with a mariginal internet connection, as my excuse for a short post this time. A few notable items from the day-
Apparently, they were giving away very cool hats at the door. Much like bobble-heads, I missed this one too.
Way too many pictures of Jim in this gallery. Forgive me- my time as a parent at these games is numbered.
Members of our staff feel that this may be the best volleyball photo ever to grace the pixels of FotoFink. Feel free to debate this issue.
This is clearly not the best pic ever taken of Carly. Everyone has bad moments, Carly was just unfortunate enough to be looking at the camera for hers.
This picture is interesting. At first, it seems typical, just a couple of Royals playing some Vball. Check the lower right corner. Sources tell us that this is Zach completeing an inverted arial maneuver.
More games next week, and then Pottsville turns into Margaritaville.
Friday, April 3, 2009
They Say It's Your Birthday
Very few of you probably read this blog for updates and information on the coaches. ("It's the shoe for kids who want to coach....." Name that movie!) Nonetheless, at this blistering pace of 3-4 entries per week, it is critical that I find any twist or wrinkle in the day's activity to focus on. Thursday, that wrinkle was Coach K Jr.'s birthday, (Coach Little K? Special K? You can pick) which Holy Redeemer celebrated with a convincing win over the visiting squad from Hanover. Jeff turned 27, by the way, so make sure you offer him the proper celebratory libation at the happy hour tonight.
The Royals employed their deep bench to defeat the Hawkeyes in three straight games, so the pictures from the game may feature some players that we don't ordinarily see much of. The one-sided nature of the day also does not create as many action shots as usual, so there are plenty of warm-up pictures that you can pirate for facebook. JV action was limited, so too are the pictures.
Interesting side note- New ref, none of the mysterious "illegal substitution" calls, or that "wax off" penalty either. I am sure that both teams played perfectly within those rules.
Another- I had a little fun at Tim's expense last time out, so to be fair, I need to mention the tremendous job he does with the opening introductions. I mean that- no sarcasm this time. The intros are outstanding, and Tim clearly has a knack for public speaking.
One more- I noticed this photo, and all that I could think of was this scene.
Not-as-interesting side note- Faithful readers (once again, mostly my family) will notice a musical trend with the post titles. Since I am too lazy for careful thought, the titles are pretty much whatever in in my head at the time. Lately, I have been deep into a project that may take the rest of my days on earth- converting a substantial album collection (the black vinyl things, for those of you who just turned 27, or less) to digital files. I have been working on this for a few weeks now, as you may be able to tell, I am still in the B's. To do this, the music actually has to be played, and recorded in real time, so I will be listening to songs that I have not heard in decades. Some for good reason- I can't believe I ever bought the Beach Boys Christmas album. Looking ahead, you should expect some Jimmy Buffett, Cheap Trick, and Creedence in the coming weeks.
Enough rambling. Pictures from the match are here.
The whole gamush (don't ask) is here.
The Royals employed their deep bench to defeat the Hawkeyes in three straight games, so the pictures from the game may feature some players that we don't ordinarily see much of. The one-sided nature of the day also does not create as many action shots as usual, so there are plenty of warm-up pictures that you can pirate for facebook. JV action was limited, so too are the pictures.
Interesting side note- New ref, none of the mysterious "illegal substitution" calls, or that "wax off" penalty either. I am sure that both teams played perfectly within those rules.
Another- I had a little fun at Tim's expense last time out, so to be fair, I need to mention the tremendous job he does with the opening introductions. I mean that- no sarcasm this time. The intros are outstanding, and Tim clearly has a knack for public speaking.
One more- I noticed this photo, and all that I could think of was this scene.
Not-as-interesting side note- Faithful readers (once again, mostly my family) will notice a musical trend with the post titles. Since I am too lazy for careful thought, the titles are pretty much whatever in in my head at the time. Lately, I have been deep into a project that may take the rest of my days on earth- converting a substantial album collection (the black vinyl things, for those of you who just turned 27, or less) to digital files. I have been working on this for a few weeks now, as you may be able to tell, I am still in the B's. To do this, the music actually has to be played, and recorded in real time, so I will be listening to songs that I have not heard in decades. Some for good reason- I can't believe I ever bought the Beach Boys Christmas album. Looking ahead, you should expect some Jimmy Buffett, Cheap Trick, and Creedence in the coming weeks.
Enough rambling. Pictures from the match are here.
The whole gamush (don't ask) is here.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
"Tough day" is perhaps an understatement when looking back at the North Pocono match. The Royals dropped three straight games to the Trojans, and seemed to have no answers for their spirited play. The Royals struggled early to get into any kind of rhythm, and played so poorly in the first game that it looked like they could have lost to anyone. Even as the Royals got into some kind of groove, the Trojans frustrated them at every turn. What HR managed to hit, NP blocked. What they didn't block, they were able to dig. What they didn't dig was awarded to them anyway.
Once again, I need to apologize for the referee link. I realize that in the end, blaming the ref is a loser's last resort. Our own play was responsible for the vast majority of points scored or lost for the day. I also know that everyone makes mistakes, no one sees everything exactly the same, close calls went both ways, and that I may be biased. Ok- all that is true. I also know that in a game as close as the second, if the last ball is ruled in, and if it weren't for the delay/substitution/whatever penalty that this guy got so excited about, then maybe, just maybe....
That thought- just maybe- is the bright spot. For now, the game is done and the loss is recorded for posterity. As the title of this entry suggests, life goes on. If this season plays out as previous ones have, it seems likely that these two teams will meet again, most likely with higher stakes on the table. Volleyball is a game of momentum- if the Royals can catch some, then another match may just go our way. Just maybe.
In lighter news (thankfully, there is always lighter news)-
Join us here. Fundraising and glass raising. Perfect combination. I am going to try to donate some FotoFink credits to help the cause.
There is a new "Separated at Birth" entry. It turns out that one of North Pocono's better players bears a striking resemblance to a fictional local beet farmer.
We thought Tim was unique when he played, with the mysterious "whammy" he'd put on the ball before a serve. It turns out, his uniqueness may have nothing to do with serving. Who knew?
I think that this sexting scandal in Tunkhannock has gone far enough now. When this guy has to register as a sex offender, a line has been crossed.
The gallery from this match is here. Lots of JV too.
All the FotoFink magic is here.
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