Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kick It Out

An outstanding weather day brought our staff to Naneecoke for some girls' soccer on Tuesday, where your Royals bounced back from a tough outing on Monday to convincingly put away the Lady Trojans.  As always, time is short, so too will be this post-

The lifelong project will be stuck on Heart for a few posts now-  It's not that there are so many Heart albums to record, it's more that it will be such a busy photo time over the next few days, so progress will seem slow.  Considering this, Kick it Out seemed like the logical choice for a soccer match.  For comparison, try and work Bebe Le Strange into any kind of normal conversation....

Be prepared- The ads an the side of this page are somehow chosen based on the text that is entered.  As a result of using the Nanticoke or North Pocono mascots in the entry, there will usually be a birth control ad or two over there.  If that offends, well.....  buy more pictures, and the ads won't be as necessary.

It's been said that throw-ins are not very picture worthy.  Thanks to Erin for proving that wrong.  Twice, in fact.

Great pictures tell a story, obviously without words.  Leah provides an example of that here- even if the story is not a happy one.  Just for good measure though, she repeats it later.

Something about spring brings out the Separated at Birth photos- Here's a new entry.

Here's another story that may not end well.

It's neither good or bad, of course, but here is something you will likely never see on the sideline of a boys' game.

Here's Mrs. Rexer getting ready for the next season of American Idol.

Here's fair warning- If you play with your tongue out, the camera will find you.

As promised- a brief entry this time.  Here's why you came-

Match Photos

One Million Photos (in my best Dr. Evil voice, and no- I can't back that up)


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